- Where was the dead body found? Who found the dead body? Was the dead body dead when found? How was the dead body found? 尸体何处找?谁来把它找?真假尤难辨,不知更何来!
- Every stoic is a stoic; but in christendom, where be the christian? 每一个斯多葛派的人都是“斯多葛”主义者; 但在基督教世界,哪有基督教徒?
- Linda was the dead spit of her grandmother. 琳达长得跟她的祖母一模一样。
- The living are the dead on holiday. 生人在假期也成了死人。
- Where was the chap I saw in that picture somewhere? 我在什么地方看到过一个人的照片,是在哪儿拍的呢?
- Where are the dog's collar and lead? 狗的颈圈和皮带哪去了?
- Where was the Christmas tree used first? 什么地方最先使用圣诞树?
- Where was the Rockets Offence after Yao sit down. 姚明下去以后,火箭的进攻哪里去了。
- When and where was the Olympic Flag first hoisted? 何时何地首次升奥运会会旗?
- So where was the captain while Calypso roved? 那么,当卡里普索出镜的同时,康斯塔船长在哪里?
- It was the dead who groaned within. 死亡在它内部呻吟。
- And where are the clowns? There ought to be clowns. 但是,小丑们在哪儿呢?应该有小丑的。
- Where was the Cup held for the first time? 第一次世界杯是在哪里举行的?
- The dead being the majority, it is natural that we should have more friends among them than among the living. 既然死人占多数,我们在死人之中比在生人之中有更多的朋友,就是理所当然的事情。
- Where are the scissors? I had them just now. 剪刀在哪里?刚才我还用过。
- He was the deadest shot in the county one time. 他过去是全县赫赫有名的神枪手。
- Where are the envelopes and stationery then? 那么信封和文具在哪里?
- Where was the Declaration of Independence signed? 独立宣言是在哪里签的?
- Where was the last meeting held? 上次会议是在哪里召开的?
- He encountered a man who looked much like himself, a bald head atop leathery limbs. “Where am I?” the dead boy asked. 他遇到了一个看上去与自己很相像的人,这人有着秃头和皮包骨的四肢。“我在哪儿?“死孩子问。